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CLA London Branch

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We are delighted to invite you to the next CLA London Branch evening, featuring guest speaker Teresa Dent the Chief Executive of the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT). 

It will be held on Wednesday, 12 July from 6pm to 8.30pm, kindly hosted by Carter Jonas, 1 Chapel Place, London W1G 0DJ.

Teresa is due to talk about natural capital and making it work for farms, estates and the environment, followed by a Q&A.
Having taken a degree in agriculture, Teresa joined Strutt & Parker as a farming consultant and was a partner with the firm for 13 years. She joined what was then The Game Conservancy - and is now the GWCT - as Chief Executive in 2001.

Teresa believes in practical, pragmatic conservation that finds space for wildlife alongside economic land uses such as farming, fishing, shooting and forestry. More recently Teresa has been working with farmers to bring Farmer Clusters together at catchment scale to achieve ambitious environmental outcomes. She has also established a Natural Capital Advisory subsidiary for GWCT. 

Teresa is a Fellow of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, was a board member of Natural England for six years until 2020, the first Chair of the Marlborough Downs Nature Improvement Area, is a director of the Environmental Farmers Group, and a director of the Peakland Environmental Farmers.

She is also a founder member of the Curlew Recovery Partnership, an honorary member of the National Gamekeepers Association and the Grasshoppers Farmer Group, and was awarded a CBE for services to wildlife conservation in 2015.


The running order

6pm - Registration.

6.30pm - Welcome by CLA Vice President Gavin Lane.

6.35pm - Talk and Q&A with Teresa Dent

7.10pm - Drinks reception.

8.30pm - Finish.

The event is free to attend for London Branch members, but to secure your place please click the book  here button below.

To book onto this event, please read and accept the CLA Events Terms and Conditions before clicking book now: 

Bookings for this event will open soon

Event Details

Wednesday 12 July 2023
6:00PM - 8:30PM
Carter Jonas, One Chapel Place , W1G 0BG
Free of Charge to London Branch Members