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CLA North: Heritage Crime and Tour of Ripley Castle

The castle is steeped in history with magnificent grounds, lakes, Deer Park, Walled Gardens, Hothouses and Kitchen Garden. Ripley Castle has been home for twenty-six generations of the Ingilby family. The Old Tower dates from 1555 and houses armour, books, panelling and a secret Priest's Hole, together with fine paintings, china, furnishings and chandeliers.

The large Victorian Walled Gardens contain 150,000 flowering bulbs which create a colourful carpet in the springtime, they also house the National Hyacinth Collection, whose scent is delightful. The restored Hot Houses have an extensive collection of rare vegetables from the Henry Doubleday Research Association. there are also extensive Pleasure Grounds designed by Capability Brown, a lake and a deer Park

Sir Thomas Ingilby became involved in heritage crime prevention when a couple of visitors stole a Civil War sword and leather surcoat during their visit on a busy Easter Bank Holiday weekend several years ago. When he notified the police they discovered that the same couple had stolen Civil War items from two other heritage properties in the area earlier in the weekend – but nobody had passed on a warning or the very good description of the thieves and the distraction technique that they were using.

Sir Thomas Ingilby is Founder and National coordinator of the Stately Home Hotline, a crime intelligence network linking 1500* heritage properties in all ownerships

10.00 am Registration with teas, coffee, smoothies fresh fruit and a selection of pastries in the Main Hall

10.30 am Welcome from Lucinda Douglas CLA Director North

10.35 am Presentation from Sir Thomas Ingilby on:
Stately Home Hotline
Different types of theft
Layers of prevention

11.00 am Talk from David Lund from Rural Task Force North Yorkshire Police.

11.20 am Talk from Selectamark DNA Technology for marking property and valuables

11.40 am Q & A

12.00 pm Chefs choice 2 course lunch served in the Long Gallery

1.00 pm Guided Tour of the Castle 

1.45 pm Opportunity to walk round the grounds

2.30 pm Teas, coffee and afternoon treat served in the Main Hall

3.00 pm Guest depart

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Event Details

Thursday 7 March 2024
10:00AM - 3:00PM
Ripley Castle, Ripley Castle Estate, HG3 3AY
£45 inc vat