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CLA Midlands: Planning & Development Seminar

Are you eager to embark on a  journey into the realm of planning but find yourself grappling with where to start?

Uncover the secrets of success for Landowners, our specialist panel of speakers will reveal the opportunities of how to navigate through the potential pitfalls of the planning application process, including what development can be achieved without the need for full planning permission (permitted development).

This seminar will also unravel the mysteries surrounding how to bring land forward for allocation for housing and other development including promotion, option agreements and other conditional contracts.

This seminar is aimed at landowners who would like guidance on a number of aspects of planning from a knowledgeable line-up of experts, including a planning specialist on how to deliver a successful planning application, opportunities for landowners through land promotion by Ed Barrett, Area Planning Director from Catesby Estates and the CLA’s Shannon Fuller, Chartered Planner who will lead on permitted development and diversification. Our guest speakers will share essential details, shedding light on the intricacies of the planning process and unveiling information you never knew you were missing.


9am Registration with tea, coffee, homemade biscuits and fruit

9.30am Opening by Chair, CLA Planning Adviser Shannon Fuller

9.40am CLA update on Policy and Permitted Development with CLA Planning Adviser Shannon Fuller

10.10am Top tips for success when submitting a Planning Application including case studies 

10.35am Break

10.55am Conditional contracts, opportunities for landowners including the pitfalls also option and promotion agreements by Ed Barrett, Area Planning Director, Catesby Estates

11.20am Q&A

11.40am Networking & close

12-12.15pm Depart

To book onto this event, please read and accept the CLA Events Terms and Conditions before clicking book now: 

Bookings for this event will open soon

Event Details

Tuesday 23 April 2024
9:00AM - 12:30PM
Stonebridge Golf Centre, Somers Road, CV7 7PL
£24 inc VAT Members /  £36 inc VAT Non Members