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CLA North: Afternoon Tea and Trees

This event, kindly supported by the Forestry Commission and Northwoods /Reheat will variously explore the importance of forestry and woodland creation / management and innovation to improve the UK’s timber security, timber markets, as well as agroforestry options for farmers.

 Speakers will include Sir William Worsley, Forestry Commission Chair, James Ramskir-Gardiner, National Agroforestry Adviser at the Forestry Commission; and Rosanna Curtis, Senior Consultant at Northwoods / Reheat.

Scone, Jam, cream tea, coffee included

Registration is required for the event for catering purposes

Sir William Worsley  Forestry Commission Chair 

James Ramskir- Gardiner National Agroforestry Adviser at the Forestry Commission

Rosanna Curtis Senior Consultant at Northwoods / Reheat

Please note that registering your attendance at this CLA event does not offer free entry to the Great Yorkshire Show.  All attendees will need to purchase show tickets in advance here in order to gain entrance to the show. The tickets are day specific and will not be for sale at the door.

Delegate names and business names (where appropriate) will be shared with the sponsors in advance of this event. No other information will be shared.

Members and guests requiring assistance to register or for further information, contact Rachael Clayton by telephoning 01748 90 7070.

To book onto this event, please read and accept the CLA Events Terms and Conditions before clicking book now: 

Event Details

Wednesday 10 July 2024
3:30PM - 4:30PM
CLA Stand at Yorkshire Show, Yorkshire Showground , HG2 8NZ
Free of charge