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CLA London Branch: Martin Williams, hosted by Boodle Hatfield

* new guest speaker *

The first CLA London Branch evening of 2025 will feature a new guest speaker, farmer and campaigner Martin Williams.

It will be held on Tuesday 18 March from 6pm to 8.30pm, kindly hosted by Boodle Hatfield at their London Bankside office: 240 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NW. 

Martin farms 2,000 acres of arable crops on the River Wye at Fownhope.  As an AHDB Monitor Farm for Herefordshire for three years, he's helped to develop a strong knowledge transfer network between arable farms in the county.

He has put a huge amount of time into highlighting the phosphate issue in the Wye and is very passionate about finding solutions to reduce the agricultural contributions.

Martin's profile has increased in recent months as one of the campaigners organising some of the recent rallies and events in London, protesting about the government's changes to inheritance tax for farmers and businesses.

Join us as Martin discusses his business, and the latest on the tax campaign. 

The talk will be followed by a Q&A and drinks reception, canapés and networking. 

The running order

6.00pm - Registration
6.30pm - Welcome by CLA Vice President, Joe Evans
6.35pm - Talk and Q&A with Martin Williams
7.10pm - Drinks reception
8.30pm - Finish.

The event is free to attend for London Branch members, but to secure your place please register by clicking on the Book Now button below.

If you need any assistance to book online, please call the CLA South East office on 01264 358195 or email and the team will be happy to assist.

To book onto this event, please read and accept the CLA Events Terms and Conditions before clicking book now: 

Event Details

Tuesday 18 March 2025
6:00PM - 8:30PM
Boodle Hatfield, London Bankside, 240 Blackfriars Road, SE1 8NW
Free of Charge to London Branch Members