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CLA Cymru: 'How to make it in the film industry' - online event

Is your farm the next film/TV location in Wales? Want to get involved in a form of diversification on your farm? Agencies are looking for locations around Wales of various types to include farm houses, buildings, scenery that can be used. 

Join our online event to find out more:

Hear from the experts, Jo Thompson, founder of the leading rural locations agency in the UK, and Richard Williams - Bulkeley with years of experience hosting iconic feature film productions in Wales, and they will share facts, insights, tips and stories around becoming a film location and what’s involved. You will come away with a good feel for this low cost, high margin diversification opportunity and whether it suits you and your land well. 

Jo  Thompson, Farm Locations  (CLA member in Kent)
Richard Williams – Bulkeley (NW Branch Chair)

It's easy to get started and Jo and Richard will show you how. 

Why attend - 

Gain advice and reassurance from members who are experts and experienced within the industry with providing film locations in Wales

Hear examples of what film/TV and photoshoot producers are looking for and if you fit the bill

A ‘How to guide’ to getting started as a shoot location with agencies including an action plan of advice

Evidence of a ‘no cost, low impact & high margin’ form of diversification


Start online event – 12.30pm

Welcome to event
Introduction from Jo to 'Farm Locations' - requirements & opportunities
‘How to’ guide details – how to market your location, contact agencies etc.
Presentation from Richard regards experiences with film location agencies –‘The Good, the bad & the Ugly’
Q & A

End of event – 1.30pm

For any queries or problems booking - please contact Sarah on 07817 128277 or email
(Sarah Davies email here)


To book onto this event, please read and accept the CLA Events Terms and Conditions before clicking book now: 

Event Details

Tuesday 29 April 2025
12:30PM - 1:30PM
CLA Cymru Online Event, Online Event , CF48 1DL